Preserving Your Wealth
A properly devised and current estate plan can help you preserve assets during your lifetime, as well as potentially reduce future estate tax liability. We will work with you to help address your family's estate planning needs.
The process of assisting clients with strategies that seek to preserve their wealth and in planning a smooth transference to their loved ones and favorite causes includes consulting on a comprehensive multi-generational wealth transfer plan and, then, a review of your wills and appropriate trusts alongside your legal consultant. Additionally, advance directives such as Power of Attorney, Designation of Health Care Surrogate and Living Wills are reviewed as well.
Common objectives of our clients:
Private clients
- Multi-generational wealth transfer planning
- Estate tax mitigation/Probate mitigation
- Asset Preservation Strategies/Estate Planning
- Planning for incapacity/Guardianships
Business owner/Professional clients
- Strategies for Preserving Assets
- Business continuity/Succession Planning
Medical Professionals
- Practice Planning
- Asset Preservation
Frye Financial and LPL Financial do not provide legal advice or services. Please consult your legal advisor regarding your specific situation.