Mother Knows Best: 6 Small Business Lessons We Learned From Our Moms
Mother Knows Best: 6 Small Business Lessons We Learned From Our Moms
Mothers are our teachers, starting from the time we are born and lasting throughout our lives. They have a role in teaching us how to be good people, take care of ourselves, and even be a success in the business world. Many small business owners are able to take the lessons they learned from their mothers and translate them into how they run their careers and business. Below are a few lessons from moms that small business owners can take to heart.
1. How to Negotiate
Children learn early that getting what they want from their mothers involves a certain amount of give and take and plenty of compromises. In some cases, the process can be easy. Other times are more difficult. This negotiation process will continue well into your teen years and eventually translate into well-honed negotiating skills by the time you are in business.1
2. To Not Give Up
Your mother is your biggest fan and wants you to succeed no matter what. Moms are great at telling you to get yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going, no matter what life throws at you. Her confidence has taught you not to give up, a skill that is vital in business, especially when things get tough.2
3. How to Handle a Crisis
Minor and major crises will occur throughout your life and in the business world. Whether you had a problem with a classmate or found yourself unprepared for a test, your mother was likely there to teach you how to get through the crisis, eventually solve the problem, and learn from it. This lesson is invaluable in business since all business owners will deal with a crisis from time to time.1
4. How to Be a Team Player
Growing up, you were part of your mom's team, whether it was performing chores, preparing for a celebration, or watching out for younger siblings. Being a team player is essential not only when you are an employee but also when you are the boss. Even if you are the one calling the shots, you still need to be part of the team if you want to gain the respect of your employees.1
5. The Importance of Taking Risks
Business is risky and even riskier when you are the owner. You have a lot invested in your company, and if it fails, you may find yourself in a bad spot. Taking risks helps you rise to the top of your career and stay ahead of the competition when you own your own business.1
6. How to Handle Rejection
Rejection is a part of your personal life and business. While rejection is rarely a good feeling, your mother has probably prepped you for how to handle it when you are an adult. By learning this lesson at an early age, you will have a better chance of bouncing back and forging on.1
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The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.
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This article was prepared by WriterAccess.
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1” ”Entrepreneurship Lessons We Learned From Our Moms,” Zen Business, https://www.zenbusiness.com/blog/entrepreneurship-lessons-from-moms/
2 “Mother Knows Best: Small Business Lessons from Mom”, Google Small Business, https://blog.google/outreach-initiatives/small-business/mother-knows-best-small-business/